Welcome to CSC - Centro di Sonologia Computazionale


The first researches on the application of electronic and digital technologies to sound and music at the University of Padova date back to the 1960s, and led to the foundation of the "Centro di Sonologia Computazionale" (CSC) in 1979. Since 2009, the CSC is part of the Department of Information Engineering.

The activities of the CSC include scientific research, music production, education (and dissemination). CSC is an antidisciplinary laboratory: isn't a sum of a bunch of disciplines (information engineer, computer science, musicology, music theory, psychology, acoustics, philosophy) but something entirely new — the word defies easy definition. But what it means is a laboratory that doesn't fit within traditional academic discipline­­­ — a field of study with its own particular words, frameworks, and methods. Antidisciplinary research is akin to mathematician John von Neumann’s famous observation that attempting to develop a theory of non-equilibrium systems is like attempting to develop ‘a theory of non-elephants’. At CSC we study the non-elephant animalsMusic is a transcultural language, and, taking advantage of this, CSC aims at facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities (e.g., Multimodal interaction for Learning and Well-Being, Acoustic analysis for Safety and Security in the Workplace) and the dialogue among different cultures and populations (Production of New Cultural Events, Computing and Cultural Heritage, Audio documents: preservation and valorization, Computational Creativity, Speech).

The CSC labs are immersed in the cultural context in which the center was born and foster the stimulation of technological transfer to the market (thanks to AudioInnova, CSC spin-off), to involve researchers in the development of new musical ideas, and musicians as sources of creativity in scientific research. CSC attracts researchers and musicians who carry out research, production and teaching activities jointly.

The CSC collaborates with many organizations, both at a national and international level. Teaching activities include the course "Computer Engineering for Music and Multimedia" within the Master Degree in Computer Engineering, the supervision of Ph.D. students, and the hosting of Erasmus students in collaboration with our European partners.
The CSC archive is included in "Rete degli Archivi del Veneto".


  • Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli and Alvise Vidolin. Gesture, Music and Computer: The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale at Padova University, a 50-Year History. Sensors. 2022; 22(9):3465. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22093465
  • Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli and Alvise Vidolin. I primi 40 anni del Centro di Sonologia Computazionale di Padova. Un intreccio di saperi tra ricerca scientifica, creatività musicale e alta formazione. Cleup. Collana: Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione. ISBN: 9788854953314. 2020.
  • Sergio Canazza and Giovanni De Poli. Four decades of music research, creation, and education at Padua’s Centro di Sonologia Computazionale. Computer Music Journal, 43(4):58–80, 2020.



  • Thursday, July 11th, 2024 - at the Center for Computational Sonology, Dr. Anthony Chmiel, University of Sydney (Sydney Conservatorium of Music) presented a seminar entitled: "Maintaining active minds and bodies through older adult music education".
    Video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nVo2Ae16HbQ13y5c8DsHs9A7evPNlmDM/view?usp=share_link
    In the photo: CSC Team and some guests with Dr. Anthony Chmiel from Sydney Conservatorium of Music, July 11th, 2024. From top left: Maddalena Murari, Anthony Chmiel, Sergio Canazza, Pietro Scimemi, Antonio Rodà, Niccolò Pretto, Andrea Franceschini, Gianni De Poli. From bottom left: Riccardo Zuccolo, Giada Zuccolo, Anna Zuccante, Alessandro D'Aniello, Alessandro Russo.


  • TGR Veneto, report from Italian national broadcasting company (RAI) on CSC, after the Creative AI Trophy winning (for the second time) at the World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival (WAICF), with the participation of Sergio Canazza, Alessandro Russo, Anna Zuccante, and Giada Zuccolo.

credits to Federica Riva, on 12/02/2024 - (in italian)


News From our Facebook Page:

Mercoledì 16 ottobre 2024 alle ore 15.30 presso la Sala del Guariento Reggia Carrarese (via Accademia, 7 – Padova) si terrà il convegno "Musica e Scienza tra Conservatorio e Università di Padova, una virtuosa collaborazione tra istituzioni con differenti anime culturali".All'evento organizzato in collaborazione con l’Accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti e CSC - Centro di Sonologia Computazionale interverranno Laura Zattra, Giovanni De Poli, Sergio Canazza e Marco Angius.Ingresso libero fino a esaurimento dei posti.#amiciopv #accademiagalileiana #cscpadova #convegno ... See MoreSee Less
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Il CSC è pronto per la trasferta a New York. Domani, con la prof. Marina Bosi di Stanford presentiamo un paper all'AES Show 2024, la conferenza annuale più importante dell'Audio Engineering Society. UN evento che raccoglie annualmente più di 10.000 professionisti dell'audio, appassionati ed espositori da tutto il mondo. Il nostro intervento "A novel derivative-based approach for the automatic detection of time-reversed audio in the MPAI/IEEE-CAE-ARP international standard" parla di conservazione, errori e digitalizzazione di nastri audio.Per saperne un po' di più aesshow2024ny.sched.com/event/1kyIG/a-novel-derivative-based-approach-for-the-automatic-detection...#csc #deiunipd #unipd #mpai #ieee #caearp #ai #artificialintelligence #preservation #digitization #aes #aesshow #nyc ... See MoreSee Less
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Anche quest'anno #science4all si è conclusa. Ringraziamo tutti coloro che ci hanno lavorato e ci hanno aiutato anche quest'anno a mostrare le nostre attività e a divertirsi e divertire.E un ringraziamento gigante alle tantissime persone che sono venute a trovarci, a giocare con SoundRise, a vedere le installazioni artistiche nel metaverso, o a sentire le performance della nostra mirabile cantante accompagnata dal pianoforte magico. Arrivederci al 2025, con nuovi fantastici progetti!#science4all #csc #centrodisonologiacomputazionale #deiunipd #unipd #pianofortemagico #ia #IntelligenzaArtificiale #SoundrRise #SeriousGames ... See MoreSee Less
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