Alvise Vidolin
Publication list (selection)
Canazza S., G. De Poli, Alvise Vidolin, Not only paper: computer engineering to contrast the eclipse of the audio documents. The case study of a personal archive. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 32.1, 2021, 469-488, doi 10.19282/ac.32.1.2021.26.
Vidolin A. “Sound direction of 1950s and 1960s tape pieces from the Studio di Fonologia”. In Germán Toro Prérez & Lucas Bennett (Eds) The Performance Practice of Electroacoustic Music. The Studio di Fonologia years. Pp. 113-136. Peter Lang AG, 2018. ISBN 978-3-0343-3118-0.
Vidolin A. “L’esperienza elettronica tra avanguardia e intrattenimento”. In Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Musica. Istituto della enciclopedia italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani S.p.a., 2018, pp. 632-641. ISBN 978-88-12-00089-0
Vidolin A. "Electronic Music at the Venice Conservatory". Sonic Ideas, 2012, 5(9) pp. 55-64.
Canazza S., G. De Poli, A. Rodà, and A. Vidolin. Expressiveness in music performance: analysis, models, mapping, encoding. In Structuring Music through Markup Language, volume J. Steyn, pp. 156-186. IGI Global, 2012.
Vidolin A. "The School of Fonologia". In Maddalena Novati and John Dack Eds. The Studio di Fonologia. A Musical Journy 1954-1983, Update 2008-2012, pp. 19-31. Universal Music MGB, Milano, 2012. ISBN 978-88-7592-918-3.
Marchesini G., N. Bernardini, S. Canazza, G. De Poli, A. Vidolin. "Musica, Ricerca e Tecnologia: il ciclo virtuoso della creatività". Atti e memorie dell'Accademia Galileiana di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova, CXXIII - Parte I, pp. 57-81, 2010-2011
Vidolin A. “Les studios d’electro-acoustique, outils collectifs et traditions nationales.” In N. Donin e L. Feneyrou, (Editors) Théorie et composition musicales au vingtième siècle. Vol. 1. Ed. Symétrie, 2013, pp. 671-688. ISBN 978- 2- 914373- 60- 6.
Bernardini N. and A. Vidolin, “Sustainable Live Electro-Acoustic Music.” In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 05, 2005.
Vidolin A., D. Bonsi, D. Gonzalez, D. Stanzial. “Convolving a clarinet with a piano”. In Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2005. Budapest, 2005.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Drioli C, Rodà A., Vidolin A., "Modeling and Control of Expressiveness in Music Performance". (invited paper), The Proceedings of the IEEE vol. 92(4), pp. 286-701, 2004.
Cirotteau, D., De Poli, G., Mion, L., Vidolin, A., Zanon, P., "Recognition of musical gestures in known pieces and in improvisations", In A. Camurri, G. Volpe (eds.) Gesture Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 497-508, 2004.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Rodà A., Vidolin A. “An abstract control space for communication of sensory expressive intentions in music performance”. Journal of New Music Research. 32(3), pp. 281-294. 2003.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Mion L., Rodà A., Vidolin A., Zanon P. “Espressive classifier at CSC: an overview of the main research streams”. Proc. XIV Colloquium on Musical Informatics. Firenze, pp: 64-68, 2003.
Bernardini N. and A. Vidolin, “Sound Motion and Space Parameters on a Stereo CD.” Journal of New Music Research. 31(2), pp. 171-175. 2002.
Vidolin A. "Re-synthesis of analogue electronic music compositions by computer: a teaching experience", in Erwin Nueenschwander and Laurence Bouquiaux Editors, Proc. XXth Internationa Congress of History of Sience (Liège,20-26 July 1997) Vol. XX “Science, Philosophy and Music”, pp. 227-235. © 2002, Brepols Pubs., Turnhout, Belgium. ISBN 2-503-51414-6.
Zattra L., G. De Poli and A. Vidolin. “Yesterday Sounds Tomorrow. Preservation at CSC.” Journal of New Music Research. 30(4), pp. 407-412, 2001.
Canazza S. and A. Vidolin. "Preserving Electroacoustic Music." Journal of New Music Research. Special Issue, 30(4), pp. 289-293, 2001.
Canazza S. and A. Vidolin, Eds. "Preserving Electroacoustic Music." Journal of New Music Research. Special Issue, 30(4), 2001.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Rodà A., Vidolin A., Zanon P., “Kinematics-energy space for expressive interaction in music performance”. Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music, Barcelona, Nov 15-16-17, pp. 35-40, 2001.
Canazza S., G. De Poli, C. Drioli, A. Roda', A. Vidolin, “Audio Morphing Different Expressive Intentions for Multimedia Systems”. IEEE Multimedia, July-September, Vol. 7, N ° 3, pp. 79-83.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Drioli C., Rodà A., Vidolin A. "Expressive morphing for interactive performance of musical scores". Proc. of First International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music, pp. 116-122. Firenze, 23-24 novembre, 2001.
De Poli G. with S. Canazza, C. Drioli, A. Roda’, A. Vidolin. P. Zanon, “Analysis and modeling of expressive intentions in music performance”. International Workshop Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music, 21. - 24. September 2001, Kassel, Germany
Canazza S., De Poli G.., Drioli C.., Roda` A., Vidolin A., “Audio Morphing Different Expressive Intentions for Multimedia Systems”, IEEE Multimedia, 7(3), pp. 79-83, July-Sept. 2000.
Vidolin A. “Informatica musicale.” Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. 6° App. 2000 - Vol. I, pp. 913-916, Roma, 2000.
Canazza S., G. De Poli, A. Rodà e A. Vidolin, "Adding expressiveness to musical messages” in Proc. Of International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems vol. 1, IEEE, pag. 160-163, Firenze 1999.
Canazza S., G. De Poli, G. Di Sanzo e A. Vidolin. "A model to add expressiveness to automatic musical performance". In Proc. of ICMC An Arbour, pp. 163-169, 1998.
De Poli G., A. Rodà and A. Vidolin “Note-by-Note Analysis of the Influence of Expressive Intentions and Musical Structure in Violin Performance”. Journal of New Music Research, 27(3), pp. 293-321, 1998.
Stroppa M., Vidolin A., "Sound recovery of computer music works produced with low sampling rates: the case of Traiettoria", in A. Argentini and C, Mirolo ed. Proceedings of XII CIM, pp. 185-188. Gorizia, 1998.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Roda' A., Vidolin A., "Analyisis by synthesis of the expressive intentions in musical performance", in Proceedings of ICMC, Tessaloniki, 1997.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Vidolin A., "Perceptual Analysis of the Musical Expressive Intention in a Clarinet Performance", in Music, Gestalt, and Computing, M. Leman ed., Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Canazza S., De Poli G., Rinaldin S., Vidolin A., "Sonological Analysis of clarinet expressivity", in Music, Gestalt, and Computing, M. Leman ed., Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Vidolin A. “Musical interpretation and signal processing.” In C. Roads, S. Pope, A. Piccialli, G. De Poli Musical Signal Processing. Swets & Zeitlinger: Lisse (NL), 1997 ISBN 90265-1482 4, pp 439-459.
Battel G.U., Bresin R., De Poli G., Vidolin A., "Performance of Musical Scores by Means of Neural Networks", in Helga de la Motte-Haber e Reinhard Kopiez (Hrsg.) Schriften zur Musikpsychologie und Musikästhetik, n. 7, "Der Hörer als Interpret", Peter Lang GmbH, Berlino, 1995.
Bresin R., De Poli G., Vidolin A. "A Neural Networks Based System for Automatic Performance of Musical Scores", Proceedings of the 1993 SMAC, pp. 74-78, Stockholm, 1993.
Bresin R., De Poli G., Vidolin A., "Symbolic and sub-symbolic rules system for real time score performance" Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, pp. 211-214, San Jose, California, 1992.
De Poli G., Irone L., Vidolin A., "Music Score Interpretation Using a Multilevel Knowledge Base", in Interface , Vol. 19, pp. 137-146, 1990.
Vidolin A., "Notation und Auffuhrung", in Musik Texte n.35, pp.70-71, Juli 1990.
Vidolin A., "Die Elektronik als mittel zur Ausarbeitung der Musikalischen Sprache", Proc. Verbalisierung und Sinngehalt, uber neue semantische Tendenzen im Denken in und uber Musik, Graz, Oct. 1987, pp. 58-69 Universal Ed. 26821, ISBN 3-7024-0191-1, Wien, 1989.
Doati R., Vidolin A., (a cura di) Nuova Atlantide, il continente della musica elettronica 1900-1986, Ed. La Biennale di Venezia - ERI, Venezia 1986.
Debiasi G.B., De Poli G., Tisato G., Vidolin A., "Studio Report: Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (C.S.C.) dell'Università di Padova", Proc. International Computer Music Conference, IRCAM, Parigi, 1984, pp. 287-294.
Vidolin A. (a cura di), Musica e Elaboratore, orientamenti e prospettive, Ed. La Biennale di Venezia - Vallecchi Firenze, 1980.